

Current projects

Purchase of land and financing of buildings

Thanks to generous donors, the NEBS school now has its own property of around 1,000 m² as well as the currently required school buildings near the city center.

The construction work to erect a fence and then row buildings for a total of 13 classrooms, was largely completed between December 2018 and March 2022.
In March 2022, regular school operations started at the new location with around 200 students.
With the construction of an additional 2-storey building with a staircase for 4 more classrooms, 17 classrooms have now been available since December 2023.
(Details see under "More on this")

As a result of the Corona pandemic, the number of students is currently still significantly reduced.
According to the school management, there is room for up to 350 students in the new school (as before the pandemic).

Since a reasonably sustainable economic basis can only be achieved with a number of students of around 350 (as before the pandemic), ANDOC continues to support the NEBS with ongoing financial contributions (as was the case during the lockdown times).
More on this Photo documentation

Student transport

So far, the NEBS had two electric rickshaws, with which children from outlying edge areas of the city of Tikapur are transported to and from the school.
One of the rickshaws was after a few years only very limited operational.

At the parents' request, NEBS has now self-initiated a school bus with diesel engine purchased, with which the entire student transport is performed.
More on this


Despite increasing service costs, the tractor is still operational.
However, the school administration has reported that it is unlikely that it will be possible to continue operating from 2020 due to emissions regulations.

The tractor was sold in mid-May 2019 to partially finance the school bus (see above "student transport").


The lease for the plantation currently cultivated by the school expires at the end of 2018.
Since school buildings are already being built on the new school property, an interim use as a plantation is not possible.
In the future, this will eliminate the income from the sale of plants (on average around 40 to 50 euros per month).

Previous supports from ANDOC


Contribution to the structural extensions of the school building
(Classroom tract, toilet facility, new painting).
Grant to rent and set up a second building tract after extension
of the NEBS with an 8th grade.

teaching aids

Acquisition of computers, textbooks and other teaching aids.
Donation of 5 laptops and 3 printers as well as about 200 ballpoint pens
with NEBS and ANDOC engraving.

Student transport

Acquisition of rickshaws to transport students from remote areas.

School-owned tractor

Purchase of a tractor.
The net income from the use of the tractor will benefit the school.
Details on plantation, tractor


Rental fee for the construction of a plantation,
The net income from the sale of plants is available to the school.
Details on plantation, tractor

Other contributions

Monthly grants for school fees and teachers' salaries, as well as a grant for renting and setting up a second building tract after the extension of NEBS with an 8th grade.
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