Plantation and tractor

Project plantation and tractor
Project Plantation

At the beginning of August 2014, the school management set up a plantation with around 700 m² floor space near the school, where plants are grown in sustainable cultivation.
In the cultivation of the plants (such as cucumbers, cabbage, carob, tomatoes, chili, etc.) were under the supervision of the school board involved students who also participate in the further care and harvest.
The plants are sold at the local market.
The management of the farm was taken over by the school management.
Project tractor

The tractor (with about 50 hp) is mainly used for transport in road construction,
used in river regulations, in agriculture etc. in mostly rough terrain.
The entire processing or organization of this project, including the maintenance of the tractor, is also carried out by the school management.
Positive effects of the projects
  • In the classroom, students will gain hands-on experience in environmentally sound and largely organic methods of plant production and their marketing.
  • The supplementary care of the plantation will also preferably involve parents of the pupils who, on the one hand, contribute their agricultural knowledge and, on the other hand, can acquire additional aspects of sustainable cultivation. They also receive compensation for their work.
  • The operation of the tractor also created three part-time jobs (driver and two workers).
  • Since then, the net yield from the sale of plants and the use of the tractor has benefited the school.
The experience gained so far with the two projects shows that the revenue currently available allows us to take a significant step towards independence from regular subsidies.

(See also our film documentation on the page "Videos").

Below are some photos of the plantation in mid-2014 with the first crops grown

Und so sah die fachgerecht bewirtschaftete Plantage beim Besuch des
ANDOC-Teams im November 2016 aus:
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