The school NEBS


Nile English Boarding School (NEBS)
Tikapur-9, Kailali

Our current project concerns the above mentioned school in Nepal, which we consider highly supportive for the following reasons.

The school is located in Tikapur, a town with about 60,000 inhabitants in the west of Nepal.

This school is characterized by the fact that, in comparison to other private schools, it requires socially-charged school fees from parents, so that low-income families can also let their children go to school. If necessary, siblingships and scholarships will be awarded, which mainly benefit girls.

As less than 50% of parents are able to pay a significant school fee, there are always shortages in the expansion, maintenance and equipping of the school with the most necessary objects and in paying the teachers.

Out of a total of 260 students in 2023, about 20 are needy children, 47% are girls and 10% are scholarships.

  • For more details about students, teachers and school buildings, please click here.

    Year 2023

    Total number of students:  260

    170 students at school levels 1 to 8.

    In this number of students, needy or underprivileged children are included (orphans, children with visual or speech impairment, children of disadvantaged groups such as the Tharu caste, who are homeless or without jobs).

    In addition, 90 children are given age-appropriate education and comprehensive care in the preschool children groups and in the kindergarten.

    47% of the total number of students are girls.

    The youngest children are two and a half years old, the oldest students fifteen.

    10% of the students receive a scholarship, which means that they pay no school fee.

    The amount of the school fee varies between the school levels and is on the average at  7,3 Euro per month.

    9 female and 5 male teachers are available for instruction and support.

    They work for an average salary of about 88 Euro per month.

School profile

The Nile English Boarding School (NEBS) is a promising institution founded in 2012 by an enthusiastic group of trained, experienced teachers. The most painful experiences they had previously made in a patriarchal and economically intransparent private school gave rise to the formation of a school that was unusual for Nepal and was run collectively.
Here a socially, sexually and ageally quite heterogeneous teaching body tries to realize an ambitious project in common (= democratic) responsibility, despite the still predominant caste thinking.

NEBS is geared to the needs of children and their quality education, with the declared goal of creating an educational, innovative environment in the school and society.

By promoting mutual respect, tolerance and optimism, each child should develop a positive sense of self-confidence in order to shape their future in a livable environment.

The school strives to educate experienced and responsible citizens for the development of the country.

NEBS also aims to prepare the children so that they are able to meet the international challenges and respond to essential societal needs.

With their joint efforts, the teachers want to create a model in the education sector in Tikapur.

Teaching methods of NEBS

As far as traditional curricula are concerned, the content or methods in the country are often poor.
The emphasis of teaching at NEBS is therefore based on internationally recognized standards, as follows:
  • The teaching activity is tailored to the respective time requirements and level of development of the individual students.
  • The lessons are based on the Montessori teaching method according to the age of the students.
  • The children are not forced to learn unnecessarily.

  • The access of girls to school is accelerated.

  • It is a concern of the teachers that independent and independent people emerge from their school.

According to the NEBS syllabus, trips to the countryside are usually made during spring time with a picnic.
Sometimes, with the smaller children, the municipal library is visited.
About every 3 months, in addition to the teaching activities, the children are visiting the Tikapur Park.

Sports and music
Sports and music is given sufficient space in the curriculum.
Based on the practical experience of teachers, sports and music play a vital role in terms of mental, physical, social and language development.
With the help of sports and music children can learn faster and easier.

Health check
Since children are often unable to communicate enough about health and related issues, regular examinations are appropriate.
That's why the school offers child health examinations once a month.
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