Year 2023
Total number of students: 260
170 students at school levels 1 to 8.
In this number of students, needy or underprivileged children are included (orphans, children with visual or speech impairment, children of disadvantaged groups such as the Tharu caste, who are homeless or without jobs).
In addition, 90 children are given age-appropriate education and comprehensive care in the preschool children groups and in the kindergarten.
47% of the total number of students are girls.
The youngest children are two and a half years old, the oldest students fifteen.
10% of the students receive a scholarship, which means that they pay no school fee.
The amount of the school fee varies between the school levels and is on the average at 7,3 Euro per month.
9 female and 5 male teachers are available for instruction and support.
They work for an average salary of about 88 Euro per month.